Why All Businesses Should Implement a Virtual Private Network

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations were forced to transition to remote work, even though they would have preferred to keep operations within the office. While the transition was rough at first, these organizations may have found that remote work offers certain flexibilities that were impossible in the traditional office environment. That said, one looming threat was (and still is) a major concern for the remote workplace: security.

What is Encryption, and Why Do We Need It?

When encryption is discussed, one of its high points that business professionals try to hammer home is that it’s more secure. But what does encryption really mean for businesses? Does it adequately protect data and devices? We’ll walk you through a brief rundown of how encryption works and the role it plays in keeping your business secure.

Remote Work is a Huge Help, With the Right Preparation

There are plenty of benefits to allowing your employees to work from home, but that doesn’t mean you can just implement it without consideration and planning. You have to have a system in place that allows you to enjoy the benefits of remote capabilities while mitigating some of its potential risks.

Protecting Your Data Is Easier With A VPN

Does your business focus enough on security? One of the best solutions that you can consider is a virtual private network, or VPN. By implementing a VPN solution, you can improve the security and privacy on your devices even while out of the office on important business trips or at conferences. What can a VPN do for your business?